A Rating

The Jones County School District has earned the prestigious "A" Rating for a second consecutive year! The Jones County School District is proud to announce that for the second straight year, it has been recognized as an "A-Rated, Top Performing" school district. This impressive achievement, based on the Mississippi Statewide Accountability System for the 2023-2024 school year, highlights the district’s commitment to academic excellence.

Not only has the district maintained its “A” rating, but it has also climbed higher within the "A" category, demonstrating continuous improvement. For the first time in district history, all schools have received a rating of "B" or higher.

The Mississippi Statewide Accountability System assigns letter grades ranging from “A” to “F” based on a variety of factors including **student proficiency, growth, graduation rate, **and other key academic measures. The Jones County School District’s ongoing success is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of its students, teachers, parents, administration, Board Members, community members, and all stakeholders.

Congratulations to everyone on achieving this exceptional recognition for the second consecutive year!

East Jones Elementary Robotics Team

East Jones Elementary Robotics Team

South Jones Basketball Team read to Pre-K Students at SJE.

Paul Anderson Presenting at Making Connections

Paul Anderson from East Jones Elementary presented at Making Connections. He is a Computer Science teacher and demonstrated the latest technologies in computer science.

High School Highlights
Milner Named NEJ STAR Student

Milner Named NEJ STAR Student

Tucker Ryan Milner, son of Ryan and Heather Milner of Laurel,  has been named STAR Student for the 2023-2024 school year by the Mississippi Economic Council (MEC) Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) program.  The program will be held April 4, 2024, at the Clyde Muse Center in Pearl, MS.  The theme for the event is “Pathways to Success.”  This year will mark the 59th Anniversary of the STAR program.  Established by the Mississippi Economic Council in 1965, the purpose of the STAR program is to recognize outstanding students and teachers in Mississippi through its Education Celebration. 

Star Students are selected on the basis of academic excellence.  Both American College Test scores and scholastic averages are compared to determine the school’s STAR Student, explained Vickie Powell of Jackson, Senior Vice President of Foundations.  “The STAR program encourages and promotes academic achievement among  Mississippi’s high school seniors,” she said.  Each STAR student is asked to designate a STAR Teacher, the teacher who has made the greatest contribution to the student’s scholastic achievement. 

Tucker selected Mrs. Regina Milner as his STAR Teacher.  

WJH Band

WJHS is soaring to new heights! Three of our talented band members - Carson Wade (trombone), Samuel Fletcher (trombone), and Cameron White (percussion) - have achieved the incredible feat of being selected for the 2024 Mississippi Lion's All-State Band. This prestigious honor recognizes their exceptional musical skills and grants them an unforgettable opportunity: to perform with the Lion's Band in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, next summer!

NEJ Senior

Northeast Jones Senior Tucker Milner has advanced to Finalist standing in the 2024 National Merit Scholarship Program by demonstrating, through distinguished performance, high potential for future academic accomplishment.  

     The National Merit Scholarship Program is an annual academic competition among high school students for recognition and college scholarships that begin in 1955.  United States high school students enter the National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), which serves as an initial screen of over 1.3 million entrants each year, and by meeting published program entry and  participation requirements.  Students who receive Finalist status compete for approximately 7,800 scholarships each year.  

     Tucker is the son of Ryan and Heather Milner of Laurel.  

WDAM Student of the Week: Mason Johnson
WDAM Student of the Week: Mason Johnson

Mason Johnson was awarded the National Rural and Small Town Achievement Award through the College Board. Mason earned this recognition because of his academic achievements in school and outstanding performance on the PSAT and AP® Exams. He is taking challenging dual enrollment and AP classes such as chemistry, english, and algebra, and psychology. He has also represented the school at Boys State and is  a   New York Times Student Commentator: Recognized by the New York Times for excellent writing skills and insightful commentary as a contributor to the New York Times Learning Network during the 2022-2023 school year. He is involved in show choir, beta, drama, hall of fame and top 10, historian, star student and a Mississippi scholar. 

WDAM Student of the Week: Walker Robinson
WDAM Student of the Week: Walker Robinson

Walker Robinson is heavily involved in our FFA. He is the chapter president and a true leader. He has also recently served as a legislative page. Walker is very personable and well thought of by his teachers and peers and has done a great job in helping to grow the program through his outreach not only at school but throughout the community. He takes pride in helping others and promoting the importance of agriculture, farming, producing crops, raising livestock, etc. 

Young Writers USA

In October, Ms. Ashton Dodd and Ms. Stephanie King challenged their students to compete in Young Writer’s USA’s national writing contest for students in grades 7-12 for the opportunity to have their work published. Last week, 70 students received notice that their original work has been chosen to be published in the anthology, Hunted: Stories of the Search.  The students were recently invited to a special recognition lunch in the South Jones Media Center with their parents in attendance as they received their certificates. Each student also left the luncheon with a gift bag that included a journal, bookmark, and pencils with encouraging messages.

SJH Hall of Fame

South Jones Hall of Fame

NEJ Hall of Fame

Pictured (rear, l-r) Ridge Jones, Colby Martin, River Branch, Tucker Milner; (middle, l-r) Amiya Chastang, Janette Hernandez, Brinkley Hearn, Lauren Hunter, Jaden Graham; (front, l-r) Kylie Bush, Ember Johnson, Emma Claire Lowe, Audria Belding, Caedence Hodge.  

White signs with Jones (Concert Choir and Jones on Stage

  Northeast Jones senior Chloe White signed this morning with Jones College.  A current member of the NEJ Gold Horizon Show Choir, Chloe will sing and perform with the  Jones Concert Choir and Jones On-Stage next year!.. Pictured are (rear, l-r) Dr. Jennifer Lowery, NEJ Supervising Principal; Mrs. Angie Hodge, NEJ Choral Director; Dr. Petara Jones, NEJ High School Principal; (front, l-r) Amy White, Chloe White, Joe White.  

WJH Hall of Fame

West Jones High School Hall of Fame

SRESA Scholarship Winner

Haley Rivers is senior at South Jones High School, Class of 2024. Haley was selected as the winner of the SRESA Scholarship.

Cole Richardson